Become a content creator

Not a girl? Beyond the level to benefit from our classes? No problem, you can still help GmathIRL by becoming a content creator.
A content creator would:

- Write handouts for GmathIRL classes

Please note that a content creator is not a TA! Please fill the form here

Join GAME committee

You are in high school? You can't participate in GAME due to other matters? You would like to help GAME in becoming a high quality math competition appreciated by all? Please join the GAME committee! You can become a problem writer, testsolver, or marketing strategist.
More about the GAME math contest can be found here.

Please note that we prioritise not your qualifications or achievements, but the time you are able to and are willing to spend in contributing to GAME.

Volunteer to help organize the math circle

You would like to become a "volunteer", and help the community and encourage more girls to pursue an interest in math? Then please volunteer to help organize the club by filling this form!

By volunteering, you will:
- attend and help maintain live sessions
- help decide and write handouts for the math circle
- maintain order in the discord server (moderator)

If you have this time and effort, please fill the form here!
